Unfettering the Falcons
produced, directed, edited by Niklas Sven Vollmer and Laura Kissel
DV Cam, TRT: 8:00 DOWNLOAD PRESSBOOK | high res image

Part road movie, part nature documentary, Unfettering the Falcons questions the false gender identity of the Atlanta Falcons football team via identical twin bird of prey experts who spark a quirky courtship between an American Kestrel (falcon) and a has-been 1991 Toyota Tercel (the "falcon" is a female bird a third stronger and larger than its male counterpart, the "tercel").
Screenings :
Nashville Film Festival Nashville, TN April 23, 2008
Atlanta Film Festival Atlanta, GA April 17, 2008 at Landmark Midtown Art Cinema
Indie Grits Film Festival Columbia, SC April 10, 2008 at the Nickelodeon Theater
EarthVision Environmental Film Festival Santa Cruz, CA March 4, 2008
Katherine Knight Award
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Missoula, MT Feb. 16, 2008
Northwest Film Forum Seattle, WA January 14, 2008
IDC Showcase, sponsored by SILVERDOCS at the AFI Theater, Silver Springs, MD October 9, 2007
DokuFest Kosovo, Yugoslavia August 2007
Hot Docs, Toronto, Canada April 28, 2007
IDC Original Vision Award and Best Sports Documentary
International Documentary Challenge Finalist
March 2007
Other honors :
Semi-Finalist 2007 ACE / SILVERDOCS Documentary Grant
(Top 10 out of 100 entries)